Collection: Employee & Client Corporate Gifts Wholesale
Corporate gifts and small batch gifting partner for sourcing emerging food and beverage from local, small batch brands.
34,000+ brands. No order minimums. Free shipping. Fast reordering.

Join the corporate gifts platform committed to helping small business, since 2010
Your trusted source for emerging local and sustainable small batch. A corporate gifts platform for grocery stores that want to stand out above everyone else.
- 1836: A Texas Olive Company
- 1945 WOW Seaweed
- 2nd Story Goods
- 7 Kitchen Road LLC
- AMG Snacks
- AR’s Hot Southern Honey
- Ahara Mushrooms
- Alice & the Magician
- Alive & Well Kombucha
- All The Bitter
- Alpine Start
- Amrita Health Foods
- Anima Mundi Herbals
- Annie’s Ginger Elixir
- Antidote Chocolate
- Arvoli Honey
- Atina Foods
- Austin Kefir Microbrewery
- B.T.R. Bar
- Bake Me Healthy
- Bayjoo
- Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters
- Becalia Botanicals
- Bee Balm Company
- BeeFree
- Benny T’s Vesta
- Berry Bissap
- Better & Better
- Beyond the Bib
- Birdie
- BjornQorn
- Black Tea Hive Co
- Blak Hom
- Blank Slate Kitchen
- Bliss'd Co
- Blonde Beard’s
- BloomsyBox
- Blue Toad Botanicals®
- Bold Bean Coffee Roasters
- Bon AppeSweet
- Bongo Java Roasting Co.
- Bonne et Filou
- Boston Smoked Fish Co
- Botanical Bones
- Brightland
- Bristle Health
- Brooklyn Grange
- Brune Kitchen
- Bumble Plants
- Burlap & Barrel
- Burroughs Family Farms
- CLEARSTEM Skincare
- CW Dressings™
- Cabi Foods
- Calcutta Kitchens
- CannFusion Juice
- Caplansky’s Deli Mustard
- CarbonClick
- Caviar Dream
- Central Coast Creamery
- Chajin Co
- Charlito's Cocina
- Cheeky Cocktails
- Chef Anthony’s Smoked Fish Dip
- Chlorophyll Water
- Chocolate and the Chip
- Ciao Pappy
- City Bonfires
- Classic Golden Pecans
- Clean Circle
- Cocktail Kits 2 Go
- Cocoa Tree Chocolates
- Coco’s Granola
- Come Alive Herbals
- Coney Island Saucery
- Connect Roasters
- Coro
- Corso
- Couplet Coffee
- Crow & Moss Chocolate
- Curio Spice Company
- DADA Daily
- Daty-Snacks
- De Soi
- Diaita Foods (Worldwide Shipping)
- Dick Duff’s Organic Jerky
- Dirty Labs
- Dirty Pelican
- Dress It Up Dressing
- DrinkSip
- Duradry
- Easy Sundays
- Eat Me
- Edison Grainery
- Elephant Green Chili Chutney
- Elm Dirt
- Eltee’s Goods
- Ember®
- Entosense
- Epicurean Pantry
- Everyday People Coffee & Tea
- Explorer Cold Brew
- FINE & RAW chocolate
- Farm to Fluffy
- Farm2Me
- Farm2Me Wholesale
- Fat Toad Farm
- Feel Good Dough
- Fellow
- Fellow Wholesale
- Figlia
- Firebelly Tea
- Firehouse Jams, LLC DBA Eat This Yum
- Fishwife
- Flame Grilling Products Inc
- Flouwer Co.
- Fluff Meringues and More
- Fly By Jing
- Formr
- Fourfeels
- Foxtail Coffee Company
- Free AF
- Freestyle Snacks
- French Squirrel
- Frühling Co.
- Fungirl
- GREENSPICE Inspired Foods
- Garuka Bars
- Georgia Grinders
- Gesus Palomino
- Giftnote
- Girl Meets Dirt
- Golden Ratio Coffee
- Goldilocks Goods
- Goldmine Adaptogens
- GoodSAM Foods
- Grain Free Planet
- Granny Squibb’s Organic Iced Tea
- Granola Chik
- Great Jones
- Great Joy Family Farm
- Grizzlies Brand
- Grlk, LLC
- GroundUp Eco Ventures
- Grove 45
- Gus & Grey
- Gustus Vitae
- Hany's Harvest
- Hazlo
- Hen of the Woods LLC
- High Ground Elixir
- HlthPunk
- Hodgins Harvest
- Hola Mija Chips
- Holy City Straw Company
- Honesta Coffee
- Honey Badgers Bee Farm
- Honeymoon Chocolates
- Horton House Scone Company
- Hot Winter Hot Sauce
- House Party
- Hudson Henry Baking Co.
- HumYum
- Human Essentials
- Hungry Bird Eats
- I Am Grounded
- Ignite Bars
- Imaraïs Beauty
- JEM Organics
- JUNE | The Original June Menstrual Cup
- Jamie’s Farm
- Joe 2.0 Coffee
- Joyffles
- Joyful Co
- Juiced By Kenya
- June The Original June Menstrual Cup
- Juno Bamboo Water
- Just Jan’s LLC
- Jøyus
- KTonic Kombucha
- Kairos Artisan Blends
- Karma Nuts
- Kaveri Coffee
- Kestrel Kitchen
- Keystone Farm Cheese
- Kiki Milk
- KombuchaTown
- Komorebi
- Kube Snack
- K’s European Jams
- LUA skincare
- Lady & Larder
- Ladybird Provisions, LLC
- Laughing Gut Kombucha
- Laundry Sauce
- Laura Ann’s Jams
- Leaves of Leisure
- Leilo
- Lenka Bar
- Lil Bucks
- Lindsay’s Apothecary
- Little Sesame
- Local Leaf
- MASA Chips
- Mad Rose Specialty Foods
- Madhu Chocolate
- Magic Mind
- Malua
- Mama Teav’s
- Mandala Naturals: Raw Cacao Dark Chocolate
- Matriark Foods Inc
- Max Sweets
- Mezcla
- MiddleBar
- Mingle Mocktails - Non Alcoholic Beverages
- Mitch’s Best Buffalo Sauce (Only Available in King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties)
- Mojo | Mushroom Dosed Gummies
- Moku Foods
- Moonshot Snacks
- Moshi
- Mosi Tea
- Mr. Tortilla Store
- Mush Hub
- Mālama Mushrooms Hawaii
- NU Tea
- NW FermentsonWpK820
- Nature's Wild Berry
- Neo Bites
- Nonny
- Nora’s Kitchen Granola
- North Spore
- Norwegian Baked
- Nossa Familia Coffee
- Nutraberry
- Nutty Novelties
- OJOY Wine Company
- Oars + Alps
- Oat Haus
- Oat Mama
- Olde Virden’s Tennessee Pepper Co.
- Omsom
- One Trick Pony
- Onyx Coffee Lab
- Open Door Tea
- Open Door Tea CT
- PODI life - South Indian Pantry
- POKS Spices
- Palavino
- Palenque Colombian food
- Paro
- Pastificio Boulder
- Paul’s Custom Pet Food
- Peak State Coffee
- Peak and Valley
- Peepal People
- Perennial Pecan
- Petit Pot
- PieconicNY
- Pin Up Pickles
- Plum Deluxe Tea
- Poi Dog
- Poisson
- Popadelics
- Portland Syrups
- Pow
- Prevail Jerky
- Pulp Pantry
- Pulpito Fruit Bites
- Pura Coco Coconut Water
- Pure Over
- Purple Bee Honey
- RAW Bliss Balls
- RSRV Collective
- Raaka Chocolate
- Rawmio Chocolate
- Real Food Bar
- Real Mushrooms
- Real Phat Foods
- RedCamper
- Renewal Mill
- Resist Nutrition
- Rhed’s Hot Sauce
- Rif care
- Ritual Zero Proof
- River Valley Community Grains
- Rocky Butte Coffee Roasters
- Root Elixirs
- Rosebud Woman
- Route
- Royal Craft Wood
- Rule Breaker Snacks
- Rustic MAKA
- Rusty's Pet Essentials
- SAVIR Foods
- Salsa Maya
- Salt and Savour
- Sarai´s Superfood Spreads
- Sardel
- Sarilla
- Sattva Vida
- Seagreen
- Seattle Elderberry
- Seed Ranch Flavor Co
- Shār Snacks
- ShipInsure
- Shwally - For Home and Play
- Silvermoon Chocolate
- Simple Times Mixers
- Siren Snacks
- Sister Bees
- Skout Organic
- Small Batch Kitchen
- SmartMoms™ Organics
- Smoking Goose
- Sohha Savory
- Sonoma County Meat Company
- Soulistic Root
- Sourcery
- Spark Confectionary
- Spicewalla
- Spicewell
- Spira Kind
- Spiritless
- Spring & Mulberry
- Stone’s Throw Hash
- Stroop Club
- Sunbear
- Sunnie
- Suntouched
- SuperMush
- Surely
- Sweet Cream
- TUSOL Wellness
- Tamim Teas
- TapDrops
- Tasty Jungle
- Tenneyson
- Thanks Danks
- The Better Bone Natural Dog Bone
- The Free Spirits Company
- The Fullest
- The Loaf
- The Quince and Apple Company
- The Rotten Fruit Box
- The Sourdough Project
- The Whiskey Hound
- TheLotusGroup - Good For The Earth, Good For Us
- Three Sisters Artisanal Meats
- Three Spirit US
- Tiger Nuts
- Tilden Cocktails
- Timbo’s Spice
- Tiny Fish Co.
- Tiradia Cork
- Toki
- Toma Bloody Mary Mixers
- Tostado Coffee Roasters
- Tree Juice Maple Syrup
- Trejo's Tacos
- True Made Foods
- Two Hives Honey
- Twrl Milk Tea
- Umikah
- Uniek Living
- Upstate Granola
- Us Two Tea
- Utopian Coffee
- Vehicle Mushrooms
- Vermont Tortilla Company
- Vintage Gentlemen
- Virginia Boys Kitchens
- Wander Foods
- Wavy Wonders
- Wei Good Food
- Wellness by Chyna
- White Rock Granola
- White’s Elixirs
- Whoa Dough
- Wilmax Porcelain
- Wood Stove Kitchen
- Woodfire brands
- Wool+Clay
- Yatab Mandazi
- Yo Mama's Foods
- Yummy Lotus
- Zolo Coffee Roasters
- christie's
- eatsoco
- ecozoi
- fire grounds coffee company
- gr8nola
- hiyo
- immi
- pwrfuel
- sugar, butter, chocolate
- the pantry
- 🌵 Pricklee Cactus Water 🌵